HIFU CAN be painful and these are the reasons why!
1o years ago my first treatment was horrible, machines have improved to produce more accurate beams that bypass nerves and have cooling incorporated in the head, much more comfortable
If we use the wrong settings on the wrong part of your face you will feel pain. Ensure your operator is thoroughly trained and understands which depths can be used on each part of the face. This is also part of the consultation process as everyone is different with different needs!
If we place a machine with 100 shots in a few seconds compared to 10? Its going to hurt more! Plus the head is so large they can't target small areas. They cannot avoid bone and nerves like CFU handpieces.
If you have metal implants or filllings in the area they pick up the ultrasound more and it can hurt! Jess has devised a few methods to completely elivate this because I dont like hurting clients! Other salons may just avoid it, but usually its the mouth area - exaclty where we want tightening so I will get you thru it with my tricks!
Our machine has alot of settings we can adapt and change to reduce pain- if you are one of the very rare ones who is struggling! If you have metal fillings or implants I have ways to buffer the pain. Your comfort is my priority, We are not a run in run out salon, I am focussed on you and your treatment ONLY.
Our machine is the latest and most advanced CFU technology with added cooling , its rare people find the treatment uncomfortable!
We do HIFU all day long, we specialise so with more experience we get better and need our clients to be happy. Jess does all the HIFU at our clinci, she has been a beauty therapist for 30 years this year and understands deep structure and contours of the skin as we age. I would love to look after you with this amazing treatment that is safe and basically painless with my experience and Italian machine..